Daily Archives: November 26, 2006

A Precipitous Goodbye to NaBloPoMo


Now that I have officially defaulted on NaBloPoMo, and the pressure is off, I could go back to my more usual posting frequency of one or two times a week, although I like Karyn’s idea of continuing the daily posting habit just for the sheer joy of it. I imagine I’ll eventually settle into some approximation between the two and be glad for the kick start that National Blog Posting Month gave me, along with a delicious liberation from carefully crafted blog postings and the permission to be totally off-the-wall, off-the-cuff, and, occasionally, off my rocker.

Although it was sometimes oppressive, the imperative to write something every day and the constant search for new subject matter infused my observations of the life going on all around me with a cleaner, sharper air. I feel awake, and that is a good thing to be.

I think I’ll definitely participate again next year. After all, I was humming along pretty well until I caught this Acute Venusian Upper Respiratory Infection of Complete Wretchedness. But you know me. I don’t like to complain.

Have a great weekend!