Sweet Freedom


The voice has ceased at last. It’s gone. It’s all gone.

I’m speaking, of course, of the delectable leftover chocolate birthday cake with chocolate frosting and strawberry filling which, until today, sat smugly on the corner of our kitchen counter, hypnotically calling me to leave my life of low-carb righteousness and indulge in a forbidden slice of refined sugar and momentary bliss.

I had been so good all day Monday. I baked two cakes, frosted them, and made cookies for Katie’s class, all without even tasting the cookie dough or licking a spoon. Perhaps I was a little overconfident. It’s one thing to virtuously turn your back on gooey fudge temptation one time, or even twice. But this cake, once baked, was relentless, constantly weaving its siren song around and between my very neurons, until I couldn’t stop thinking about it. For all I know, it wasn’t even very good–but in my imagination, it was the food of Olympus. I was a hair’s breadth away from doing a faceplant in it.

There was only one thing to do. I packed up the cake this morning and delivered it to my husband’s coworkers. As I hoped, they decimated it. Paul returned home hours later with the empty cake plate in hand, and I felt like dancing. I’ve never been enslaved by a pastry before. It wasn’t a pleasant experience.

For my after-dinner snack tonight, I had a lovely small bowl of blueberries and strawberries topped with a dollop of light whipped cream. With the offending cake out of sight and out of mind, they even tasted sweet.

8 responses »

  1. I have to admit the cake sounds awesome, and you should be absolutely commended for your strength for passing up cake, cookie dough AND fudge — especially more than once. But still, I think your strawberries, blueberries and whipped cream sound pretty good. Bravo to you!

  2. Can I have some of your reserve/willpower… please? hehe

    Know what? You are a smokin’ good writer! I always love your posts. They’re so descriptive and well put together!

    Just thought I’d tell you! 🙂

  3. “I was a hair’s breadth away from doing a faceplant in it.” – this made me laugh out loud 🙂 I’m very proud (and fairly impressed) at your show of will power – I would have at least licked a spoon during the baking process! My will-power left me last week when I went out to dinner with my MOPS group – I think it was the Applebee’s Cosmo that did it! Once I had a sip, I rapidly spun out of control with chips and queso, followed by 2 large spoonfuls of a fellow mom’s birthday ice cream sundae – yumm!!! I keep telling myself, today is the day, but so far, today hasn’t arrived 🙂 Oh well, maybe tomorrow!

  4. You deserve an enthusiastic round of applause!

    I keep hoping the miracle of breastfeeding will drop the pounds so I don’t have to ignore the cakes. Here’s to hoping…

  5. QB–It’s low-carb. South Beach, actually. I’m in phase two, so I’m allowed to eat carbs from fruits and whole grains, just not refined flours and sugars. 🙂 I don’t think I could go no-carb for very long!

  6. You have quite a talent–a simple post about a cake making me laugh out loud! I too especially liked the “faceplant” line!

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