5 Reasons I’m Doing NaBloPoMo This Year


After losing most of my October in a cough-medicine-induced coma, I almost decided to give NaBloPoMo a miss this year.  Too busy, I told myself.  Too tired.  Too wrapped up in what seems to be a losing fight against every bug that rides home from school in my kids’ backpacks.

But approximately seven minutes ago, I completely changed my mind.

I’m a girl.  I can do that.

Five Reasons I Decided to Go Ahead and Do NaBloPoMo This Year:

1.  Prizes. This year, like every year, I’m hoping to win that Sock Zombie.  It’s bound to happen eventually, right?

2. Paul wants me to.  When I told him I wasn’t going to do NaBloPoMo this year, he actually went to some trouble to talk me into it, even offering to help me brainstorm 30 ideas for my daily posts.  Could be he just wants a Sock Zombie, too.

3.  My friend Jen is participating.  And I am a joiner at heart.  When it came right down to it, I couldn’t bear to be left out of the fun.

4.  It gives me a chance to share the goodies I’ve found on the web.  I love to surf, and I’m always stumbling across cool stuff that I like to share.  Like this.  And this.  Oh, and this.  Aren’t you glad you clicked?

5.  I’ve been missing my blog.  Back when I was a stay-at-home mom, I posted several times a week, and it seemed I always had an abundance of energy and ideas.  Blogging was an effortless extension of the full-time wife and mommy gig that filled my days.  Well, I’m still a wife and mommy, but most days, by the time I get home from work, beat back the laundry and dishes, and put some dinner on the table (even if it comes out of a paper bag), there’s not much left for blogging–at least not for the kind of epic essay-style blogging I used to do.  NaBloPoMo gives me permission to take it down a notch and blog whatever pops into my head: lists, links, quotes, jokes, pictures–a single word copied a hundred times, if I like it.  Pure fun.  Who doesn’t need some more of that?

Update:  Paul has decided to do NaBloPoMo, too!  Woot!  You know what this means, right?  We just doubled our chances of winning a Sock Zombie.

15 responses »

  1. ” I always had an abundance of energy and ideas.”

    At some point this summer, I ran out of energy. Oh, I still have ideas, but late at the end of the day I find little motivation to write a blog post. I hope you have better luck kick-starting your blog!

    • No problem, Adrienne! Just go to http://www.nablopomo.com and click on the “Sign Up” button at the top right corner of the page.

      Sign up, and then, after you’re signed in, mouse over the “Blogrolls” tab at the top of the page. There should be a drop down link that says “Submit a Link”. Click it, and then fill out the info for your blog. Make sure that the month is set to November.

      Your link should show up on the blogroll within a day or two, and as long as you post every day, you have a chance to win any of the fabulous prizes on the prize page!

  2. Yay for Katrina blogs!! I actually never knew you as a stay at home mom, at least not for more than a month after we moved here. But I DO enjoy your blogs!

    And why didn’t I know that Paul had a blog?

    Good luck!

    • Nope, I don’t think it’s wrong. I have several drafts percolating on the back burner myself. It’s nice on those busy days to be able to grab one and polish it up in just a few minutes. 🙂

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